Sagittarius May 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. April 29, 2016

animation of archer with caption sagittarius

Are you experienced? You totally are. You’ve been collecting experiences and your life is full of authentic, life-changing moments — some great, some devastating.

And because of them, you’ve got the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Oh, Saggittari-boo, this is a big part of what makes you a great parent. Instead of reacting from the deep well of intense emotion always roiling just below the surface, you’ll stop and consider what it feels like to walk a mile in another dude’s shoes. You keep your cool. You’ll give some thought to what your 7 year old was feeling when she screamed MAMAAA! for three non-stop, blood-curdling minutes, having convinced herself that you left the house without her (you, monster!). Of course, you were literally standing RIGHT BEHIND HER and she was just momentarily losing her little mind. You coulda unleashed on that absurd outburst, but you didn’t. You think clearly about how you’d want to be treated, and this informs how you treat the people around you. Later in the month, Venus and Mars are stepping into the ring for a gloves-off match. Hard to know if passion will K.O. love, or the other way around, but they can't both win this time. Keep your water bottle handy, and check now and again to make sure you still have all your teeth.



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