Rural Kids are Getting Help Through Tele-Psychiatry

by ParentCo. June 28, 2016

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry estimates that as many as 1 in 5 children in the United States have behavioral health issues. However, of these children, only 20 percent receive mental health services. Of those 20 percent, approximately half end treatment prematurely because of issues such as lack of access, lack of transportation and financial constraints. In rural states such as Missouri where almost 40 percent of the population lives outside urban areas, children usually have even less access to timely psychiatric care. Now, a study by the University of Missouri School of Medicine shows that video-based mental health services are bridging the gap by providing care to underserved areas.
Source: Tele-psychiatry reaches rural kids in need: Study highlights video-based behavioral health services for children -- ScienceDaily



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