Virgo May 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. April 29, 2016

animation of lady in pink dress and caption virgo

Hey, Virgo, hey. Details are fun, right? Holy crap. SO MANY DETAILS.

My astrological consultants tell me that although Virgos are intensely detail-oriented, we also know how to identify which details are truly important. Ok, I dunno know who’da hell they’re talking about, because I’m a Virgo and I’m not sure if I should stay on this task, go ride a bike, get a pet toad, or look at some rocks. It’s ALL equally important until it’s down to the wire and, by necessity, one thing becomes absolute top priority. So, you know what I think you should do? Enlist a friend or mentor to help you identify priorities that aren’t immediately clear to you. Your kids need this training too. You can do it together! Team work makes the dream work, pal. Hey, here’s something to tune into: you’ll feel like traveling this month. So, where you gonna go? Chill, kid. It doesn’t have to be a big trip, no need for a lot of moving parts. Just follow the wanderlust — without guilt, please and thank you — and go see something new. Or see something old, but in a new way. Same diff, right?



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