a girl in white dress playing with a young lady in a field

4 Ways Taking on a Housemate Has Made Me a Better Parent

by ParentCo.

If you can find the right person, taking in a housemate can be a game-changer for finding a new rhythm as a parent.

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palm and heart

The Science of Giving and How It Can Help Your Kids

by ParentCo.

Want to really make your kids happy? Teach them the importance of giving to others. Even science suggests giving enhances our children’s lives.

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Head of Mickey Mouse

Debate Club: Is Disney World the Best or Worst of All Family Vacations?

by ParentCo.

For some it's a dream, for others it's a nightmare. Two writers debate the merits and downfalls of a family vacation at Disney.

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How to Tell If Your Child Is Addicted to Video Games – and How to Help

How to Tell If Your Child Is Addicted to Video Games – and How to Help

by Stephen Bradshaw

If you’ve determined that your child likely has a video game addiction, there are a number of ways you can help.

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happy mother lying on couch with her baby

Gestational Diabetes Made Me a Better Mom

by Kelly Riibe

Handling a gestational diabetes diagnosis well can be controlled, and it ultimately made my family healthier and me a better mom.

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little brother hugging his new born sister

A Letter to My Five-Year-Old, Now That Your Baby Brother Is Here

by ParentCo.

There may not be as much room on my lap these days, but you're asking to sit there less and less.

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couple kissing in rain

How I Teach My Daughter About True Love

by Michelle Downing

The best we can do to teach our daughters about loving a good man is to lead by example.

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little boy putting clothes in washing machine

Killer Laundry Pods and the Problem of Newsworthy Numbers

by ParentCo.

The current available data about laundry pod poisonings paints a much different picture than the stories we see reported every few months.

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women walking in corridor

A View From the End of Maternity Leave

by ParentCo.

Five months after having a baby, the return to work is a return to the semblance of who you once were. Except you're not.

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young lady with flowing hair

Making It Count, Not Counting Down

by ParentCo.

The most precious commodity we're given is time. Wishing ordinary moments, days, and months away waiting for the "special" ones misses the point.

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Infection Hand with germs and Bacteria

11 All-Natural Weapons You Need in Your Immunity Arsenal

by ParentCo.

It's hard to stay healthy with germ laden kids in your house. But there are simple, chemical-free strategies you can employ to keep the bugs at bay.

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Three young happy girls with Christmas gifts

How to Shield Your Child from Greed and Entitlement During the Holidays

by Angela Pruess

Keep the focus on what the holidays really mean to your family and instill in your kids a sense of generosity and gratitude.

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parents with cute little baby playing in mud

Relativist Parenting Is a State of Mind, Not a Style

by ParentCo.

In this age of too much information, parenting can be scary business. But when we trust our instincts, we know more than we give ourselves credit for.

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man and woman with tattoos

Marriage is Hard, Sex Makes It Easier

by Jill Kiedaisch

Despite all the requisite challenges of being married with children and jobs and mortgages and debilitating health issues (etc.), we need sex.

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little girl and boy  hiding behind table at kitchen and looking at cupcakes kept on table

How to Keep Your Kids Motivated to Be "Good" Once Santa Is off Duty

by Rebecca Lang

If it takes a village to raise a kid, then sometimes we need to use that village to get our kids to do what they have to do. So who should we call on besides Santa?

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 young girl and boy  close up on face reflecting in a mirror

8 Questions Smart Parents Never Ask Their Kids

by Pam Moore

They say there are no dumb questions. They are wrong. I've asked my kids these questions a million times and realize they're completely useless.

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Twin girls on a lake shore, sprinkling water

Twin Bond, Shmin Bond: It's Toddler Fight Club at My House

by ParentCo.

Everyone seemed to think my identical twins would have a magical bond. But then the biting started.

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animation of a screaming potato in pan

"The Latke Who Couldn't Stop Screaming": A Jewish Christmas Story for Atheists

by ParentCo.

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woman gazing at a smartphone in the dark

The Value of Late-Night Solitude: A Former Insomniac's Lament

by ParentCo.

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Little blonde girl sitting on a trampoline

We’d All Be Healthier If We Acted More Like Babies

by ParentCo.

When it comes to living a healthier lifestyle, we could all take a page out of a baby’s playbook.

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Young happy women hugging husband holding positive result pregnancy test

When Inspiration Strikes, It's Time to Have a Baby

by ParentCo.

Fighting baby fever becomes almost impossible once a fresh little bundle enters your friend circle.

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Compact Cassette

Bidding a Fond Farewell to VCRs

by ParentCo.

The VCR was the machine of a generation. But as the last manufacturer closes up shop, will it become a forgotten relic?

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Young mother holding her newborn son in bed

How Will You Remember the Early Days of Motherhood?

by ParentCo.

The early days of motherhood can feel like the Dark Ages. But looking back, we can choose to remember the beauty of it all.

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cartoon children reading books

7 Books That Teach Young Children About Racial and Social Justice

by ParentCo.

These seven books can be a great jumping off place to talk about racial and social justice in an age appropriate manner.

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