Why My Sons Don't Call Each Other On Their Birthdays

by ParentCo.

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The 4 Stages of Accepting That You're a Minivan Family

by ParentCo.

“We’ll have to buy a minivan,” announced my husband, who had been very quiet. And then we just looked at each other and laughed.

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Thank Goodness for Pregnant Friends

by ParentCo.

You will always have too much baby crap. That is, until you finally find a friend who’s pregnant.

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Is Parenthood the Enemy of Creative Work?

by ParentCo.

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Live Music Makes Us Feel Better

by ParentCo.

This is the first preliminary evidence that attending a cultural event can have an impact on endocrine activity.

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Are We Bullying the Bullies?

by ParentCo.

If parents and educators work together, it is possible to protect targeted children, empower bystanders, and support aggressors in their transformation.

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New Study: Concussions Can Negatively Alter Parent-Child Relationships

by ParentCo.

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States Where Day Care Costs More Than College

by ParentCo.

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10 Ways I’m a Failure According to Mommy Blogs

by ParentCo.

The mommy blogs are silently judging me, but I’m not ashamed to admit that I fail to meet these 10 "basic" requirements for life as a mom.

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Jordan Spieth Must Have Awesome Parents

by ParentCo.

Golf is the ultimate individual sport. It’s all on you. There’s nobody to blame but yourself when it’s not going your way.

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Millions of Maternal and Child Lives Could Be Saved Every Year for Less Than $5 a Person

by ParentCo.

Improving care at the time of birth gives a quadruple return on investment.

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4 Words That Can Transform Another Parent’s Day

by Jessica Graham

Next time you see a parent wrangling a crying child or saying "no" for the hundredth time in the toy aisle, say these four words that will change their day.

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"Just A Mom?"

by ParentCo.

Recently a friend confided that she was struggling with being “just a mom.” With four kids, one with special needs, this women is anything but “just a mom.”

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So You Want to Join Our Moms Group?

by ParentCo.

We've been looking for some new blood since Shannon ditched carbs and in turn, us, for CrossFit.

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18 Things People Say at the Office That are Also Euphemisms for Babies Pooping

by ParentCo.

Since I started hanging with fellow baby daddies and mommies, I've heard endless euphemisms for pooping. Here are a few that double as workplace sayings.

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5 Strategies to Reduce Your Kid's Anxiety You Can Implement Today

by Angela Pruess

As a Child and Family Therapist, the concern I hear most is “I think my child may have anxiety, and I’m not sure how to help." Here are research-based tips.

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I'm Not Hovering, I'm Playing

by Julia Pelly

While my son is little and wants to be as close to me as I want to be to him, I’ll savor every moment of our play - even if others see it as hovering.

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Outtakes From Our #Webby Video

by ParentCo.

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Baby Trashes Bar

by ParentCo.

Go home, baby. You're drunk.

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Family Playlist: Dream Big!

by ParentCo.

Dream big! Reach for the stars! Never give up! (And hey, vote for us? Our dream is to win a Webby!)

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How Do Kids Become Right or Left Handed?

by ParentCo.

We now know that a child’s handedness says something about the organization and function of their brain.

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The Top 4 Clues Your Kid Will Be a Great 21st Century Leader

by ParentCo.

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New Food Labels Would Tell You How Long It Takes to Burn Off Calories

by ParentCo.

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Even Tiny Babies Are Sellouts

by ParentCo.

Of course they're sell outs! I grew two of them for almost 10 months each in my actual body, pushed them out while wanting to be clubbed over the head, let them treat me like livestock and after all that they'd still move in with their grandparents because they have better snacks.

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