If You Should Do It For Your Kid, You Should Do It For Yourself

by ParentCo.

To all of the parents out there: you deserve to feel good each day. You deserve some praise - and self-praise - for the things you do every day.

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Vote: Do You Restrict Your Kid's Screentime?

by ParentCo.

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Poll: Family Movie Night

by ParentCo.

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So Much of Parenting Is Making An Informed Gut Decision

by ParentCo.

Redshirting is common practice. But when it comes to this decision, my husband and I will continue to be informed but also go with our gut.

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Back to School Blues: A Poem

by ParentCo.

The first day of school has come and gone, but I bet you'll still relate to the wonderful poem "Back to School Blues," sent to us by poet Diana Whitney.

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Poll: What is your #1 biggest concern about your kids and social media?

by ParentCo.

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5 Ways to Connect With Our Kids

by ParentCo.

Kids don’t come with instruction manuals, but with a little love and a lot of patience, we all have the ability to raise wonderful children.

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Best links of the week

by ParentCo.

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Poll: The Birds & The Bees

by ParentCo.

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Poll: What Are Your Top 3 Fears About Your Kids' Future?

by ParentCo.

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20 Ways To Involve Your Family In National Arts in Education Week

by ParentCo.

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Moving Day

by ParentCo.

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Growing Up Geek

by ParentCo.

A father passes down his love for science fiction and all things 'geek,' while thinking about how the values of the genre help his son grow as a person.

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7 Actual Most Important Things Our Parents Taught Us

by ParentCo.

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What's The Parent’s Role With Homework?

by ParentCo.

If we want kids to invest in their education, we have to allow them to take on the responsibility of managing their school and homework.

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Share Your Kid's 30 Answers

by ParentCo.

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Best links of the week

by ParentCo.

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Take the 10-Question "Kids and Social Media" Survey

by ParentCo.

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I Wanted To Say Something To You, Middle School

by ParentCo.

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Best links of the week

by ParentCo.

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Admit It, Baby Carrots Are Gross

by ParentCo.

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3 Things We Learned On the First Day of Kindergarten

by ParentCo.

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The Very Old Family Dog

by ParentCo.

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BPS Research Digest: How do lying skill and frequency change through life, from childhood to old age?

by ParentCo.

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