newborn twins wearing tricot hats

How I Used A / B Testing to Hack My Kids

by ParentCo.

“I wonder how we can get them to sleep more.”This simple thought, expressed by my wife, not even a question, became a challenge to me. Enter A/B testing.

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ice cream cone fell on the steet floor

Can Your Child Really Learn From Failure?

by ParentCo.

As parents, we can help children learn that failure is a normal part of life – it happens to all of us.

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baby revolting with first bump

What I Really Want To Say Is, "Cherish This"

by ParentCo.

“Cherish every moment.” This little phrase haunted me since the birth of my first baby a couple of years ago.

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Young sleepless woman sitting on kitchen floor and eating pizza

Nine Things that Definitely Count as Baby Weight

by ParentCo.

The term baby weight is a little bit of a misnomer. Once you have kids, you’ll be gaining and losing weight long after pregnancy ends.

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Happy mother with three children taking a selfie

How Your Relationship With Your Kid Influences Their Behavior

by ParentCo.

Without a doubt, that the way we shape a child’s behaviors is much more complex than a set of behavioral standards or measurements.

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Young man and woman smiling at each other

The Secret "=Formula" for a Happy Relationship

by Pam Moore

If your marriage is anything like mine, you’ve done all kinds of things to nurture the relationship. Luckily, I've found the secret- spreadsheets.

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young woman looking at smart phone

Tweets, Texts, and Emojis: Why Communicating In Brief Snippets Is Hurting Our Kids

by ParentCo.

As kids spend more time in this world of snippets, they lose the ability to pick up on non-verbal expressions which are important in understanding others.

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angry and furious young boy

The Science Behind Discipline: 7 Tips to Keep in Mind to Modify Your Child’s Behavior

by Sanya Pelini

A child learns about acceptable and unacceptable behavior by observing the people around him/her. What lessons can you learn from behavior modification?

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group of animals in the  snow

Stories For Kids Who Have Questions About Death

by ParentCo.

Many young kids have questions about death. These picture books- some very practical, others, more metaphorical, can help answer them.

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women electronic fetal monitoring

Obstetrics' Dark Underbelly: Electronic Fetal Monitoring in Labor Fails to Help

by ParentCo.

While inconvenient to the hospital system, I encourage all expectant mothers to consider refusing constant monitoring and to request intermittent monitoring instead.

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young woman trying on pair of sandals

How Shopping Can Eat Away at Your Time

by ParentCo.

Too often, I end up quietly ashamed after buying clothes. I have dubbed this phenomenon “The Shopping Shame Cycle.”

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girl looking scared while her granny scolding her

An Old-School, West Indian Parent, Talks Black-and-White Parenting

by ParentCo.

As a child of Old-school parents, I can tell you first hand, they don’t ‘play.’ These parents did not mess around where it came to disciplining their children.

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little boy and his father lying on bed

Five Reasons to Take Heart If Your Child Is Diagnosed With Autism

by ParentCo.

I was that mom who had to hear from a stranger that her two-and-a-half-year-old son had autism. I've got good news. It will get better.

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red orange and yellow image of pregnant women with child

Just So You Know: Pregnancy Brain Is a Real, (And Permanent) Thing

by ParentCo.

If you've been pregnant, you've probably experienced, "pregnancy brain." This results in mindless moments and memory lapses you might not have had a problem with before.

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Elderly Couple holding hands on beach

The Truth About Marriage and How to Carry the Weight of It

by Krissy Dieruf

Marriage is heavy, and children make it heavier. In order to keep our marriage from drowning, we have to sometimes shift some weight.

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family robot in pop culture history

7 Favorite Family Robots in Pop Culture History

by ParentCo.

Notable robots who were part of a family.

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exhausted lady after ironing a pile of clothes

You've Arrived! Welcome to the Wonderful World of Adulting

by ParentCo.

Congrats kids, you have made it to the promised land of bills, weight gain, and dark circles under your eyes.

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a young boy picking his nose

Help! My Kid Is Socially Awkward (But So Is Yours)

by ParentCo.

If there are any parents reading this who are appalled by their kid’s behavior, I've compiled a list of universal infractions to help you understand that all kids are gross.

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young lady breast feeding her child

A Realistic Timeline Examining the Importance of Ample Maternity Leave

by ParentCo.

The first few weeks after a baby is born are as chaotic as they are precious. But for many families, the worries about job security and financial stability overshadow those early days.

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girl on yellow flower background listening to music

What Is ASMR, and How Can It Benefit Your Kid's Mental Health?

by ParentCo.

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, or ASMR, is a physical sensation characterized by a tingling feeling that typically starts at the scalp and then travels down the spine.

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parents talking with teacher vector illustration

How to Crush Your Parent-Teacher Conference

by ParentCo.

This morning I received a reminder text from my son’s school that Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled next week. Thankfully, it's not my first rodeo.

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holding patient hand in the hospital room

I Should Not Be Here, But I Am: A Survivor's Birth Story

by ParentCo.

I write this seven months later. It’s incredible how much has changed. I should not be here. I should not be here. But I am.

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young cheerful boy in orange sweatshirt palying in playground

How to Help Your Children Feel Safe and Secure

by ParentCo.

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tear in eyes

How to Help Your Children Handle Their Emotions

by ParentCo.

If every moment has the potential to lead to an emotional breakdown, emotion coaching could offer a solution.

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