As kids spend more time in this world of snippets, they lose the ability to pick up on non-verbal expressions which are important in understanding others.
A child learns about acceptable and unacceptable behavior by observing the people around him/her. What lessons can you learn from behavior modification?
While inconvenient to the hospital system, I encourage all expectant mothers to consider refusing constant monitoring and to request intermittent monitoring instead.
As a child of Old-school parents, I can tell you first hand, they don’t ‘play.’ These parents did not mess around where it came to disciplining their children.
If you've been pregnant, you've probably experienced, "pregnancy brain." This results in mindless moments and memory lapses you might not have had a problem with before.
If there are any parents reading this who are appalled by their kid’s behavior, I've compiled a list of universal infractions to help you understand that all kids are gross.
The first few weeks after a baby is born are as chaotic as they are precious. But for many families, the worries about job security and financial stability overshadow those early days.
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, or ASMR, is a physical sensation characterized by a tingling feeling that typically starts at the scalp and then travels down the spine.
This morning I received a reminder text from my son’s school that Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled next week. Thankfully, it's not my first rodeo.
In a world full of messages of the ‘only lonely,’ we can be made to feel we are somehow doing something wrong by making the decision to have an only child.