group of young boys

Boys Will Be the Boys We Teach Them to Be

by ParentCo.

Our culture consistently fails to give boys the credit they deserve when it comes to love, sex, and relationships.

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How An All-Girls Education Made Me a Clueless Mom

by ParentCo.

With no real point of reference, it's hard to know what's appropriate teenage behavior.

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The 6 Stages of Getting Your Kids to Like Led Zeppelin

by ParentCo.

It's not going to be easy to get them to appreciate Led Zeppelin, but I'm damn sure going to try.

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Odd Jobs: My Life as a Tattoo Artist and Single Dad

by ParentCo.

Co-owning a tattoo shop and single-parenting a teenage daughter makes for an interesting take on fatherhood.

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How to Change Your Toddler's 9 Most Annoying Behaviors

by ParentCo.

When redirection and telling your toddler "no" just isn't working, there are still ways to change the behaviors that irritate most.

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9 Thoughtful Ways to Raise an Entrepreneur

by ParentCo.

April Cornell, founder of the clothing and textiles company of the same name, on how to encourage your future worker to blaze her own trail as an entrepreneur.

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Why You Need to Rethink What Your Teenage Athlete Eats

by ParentCo.

Teens can be grumpy and surly enough without hanger creeping in. Here are a few ways to manage their healthy appetites.

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Why Your Kids Need You in the Age of Sexting, Porn, and Cyberbullying

by ParentCo.

Compassionate parents are a counterweight to the pressures of adolescence - including those around sex, porn, and social media.

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Stop Giving Your Kids Free Money

by ParentCo.

It’s time to teach your children about this important money principle: “No work, no money!”

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My Kids Are Nothing Like Me

by ParentCo.

There's very little about having a baby that is predictable, even, and under our control. For a perfectionist, that's a difficult reality.

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Dining Out With a Toddler is Like Wrestling With an Octopus

by Julie Vick

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Your Inner Badass Is the Fearless Mom We Need Right Now

by ParentCo.

It's terrifying to think the next tragedy to hit the news cycle could easily involve our own family. But leading with fear, blame, & anxiety serves no one.

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How to Enjoy Hiking With Your Toddler

by ParentCo.

A trip to the playground is fun, but if your toddler is in need of a little more adventure, hiking can be a rewarding experience for both of you.

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woman listens to music with headphones

6 Teen-Approved Podcasts for Family Listening

by ParentCo.

Whether it's a family car ride, or cooking dinner with your teens, there's a good chance listening to one of these podcasts will keep everyone entertained.

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7 Ways to Build Stronger Connections with Your Kids (Even When You’re Busy)

by ParentCo.

There's a lot that has to fit into a day. Work, school, activities, chores, and a million other things. But there are simple ways to connect despite it all.

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5 Research-Backed Ways to Protect Your Children from Alzheimer's Now

by ParentCo.

Here are five proactive steps you can take now to help save your child from Alzheimer's and memory loss later in life.

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5 Ways Divorced Parents Can Help Their Tween Feel More Secure

by ParentCo.

If navigating divorce feels confusing to you, imagine how it feels for kids. Keeping these things in mind can make this new arrangement easiest for everyone.

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6 Surprising Benefits of Raising Tween Daughters

by ParentCo.

Sure it's a tornado of hormones, push-back, and attitude, but having a houseful of tween girls is not without its perks.

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You Need to Giggle More - Here's How

by Carrie Howe

Cliche as it sounds, laughter truly is some of the best medicine. Sharing a hearty case of the giggles with your family is even better.

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How I Survived My Empty Nest and Learned to Let Go

by Kimberly Yavorski

Eventually the time comes that our kids are no longer kids, but adults on the other side of the world. Regardless, letting them go hardly gets easier.

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4 Reasons It's Good to Argue With Your Partner About Parenting

by ParentCo.

You don’t really know what kind of parent your partner will be until you have a kid. But even if you disagree, there's a lesson to be learned.

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The Dangers of Selfie Culture and How You Can Help Your Kids

by ParentCo.

In the age of social media, some kids hinge their self esteem on peer's response to selfies. How can we help them explore this sense of self constructively?

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bread and peanut butter

Debate Club: Should Schools Be Nut-Free?

by ParentCo.

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5 Ways Parents Ensure Their Child’s Tantrum Is a Raging Success

by Stephen Bradshaw

Sometimes the tactics we deploy to stop a tantrum do nothing except fuel the fire.

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