5 Daring Ways to Stop a Fight With Your Spouse on the Spot

by Krissy Dieruf

Try these five strategies the next time you and your spouse find yourselves on the edge of a blowout to stop the steamroller in its tracks.

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My Toddler Can't Party: Socializing in the Age of Parenting

by ParentCo.

Remember when social events used to be fun? Before you had to drag along a toddler?

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What Will I Be Missing if I Don't Have a Baby?

by Julia Pelly

Having kids or not having kids. It's hard to quantify what you miss out on when making that great big decision.

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How to Teach Your Kids to Put Themselves at Ease When You're at the End of Your Rope

by ParentCo.

It's often more powerful to find validation from within than hoping to receive it from others. And it's never too early to figure out how to get it.

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8 Ways You Can Support Kids in Foster Care - and Help End Human Trafficking

by Stephen Bradshaw

Kids in foster care are fighting an uphill battle. We can help beat the odds stacked against them in several ways.

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My Daughter Was Emotionally Scarred by a Goat – and Other Tales From Disney World

by ParentCo.

There’s a point in there somewhere about American culture, or global politics, or human nature. But I’ll let you figure that out on your own.

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Snapchat and Me: A Story of Love and Patience

by ParentCo.

It's not easy keeping up with the kids and their social media these days. But a stay-at-home mom's got to try.

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Kid Made Recipe: Pizza Rolls!

by ParentCo.

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I Cheated on the Postpartum Depression Test

by ParentCo.

Honestly answering my doctor's postpartum depression questions felt like admitting failure. So I stretched the truth.

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Your Kid's Test Scores Shouldn't Determine a Teacher's Worth

by ParentCo.

There's no way a standardized test can reflect the profound effects a caring and engaging teacher can have on a child.

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Should I Let My Young Daughter Focus on Being Pretty?

by Jessica Wagner

What does it mean to be "pretty?" How do we help shape our daughter's perception of what it means to describe themselves and others as such?

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If We Want Kids to Be Grateful, They Need to Write Thank You Notes

by ParentCo.

It's easy for the task to get lost in the shuffle of everyday life. But there's something about putting pen to paper that will always be in style.

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5 Lies About Fall We All Need to Stop Believing

by ParentCo.

Have you seen the migratory shenanigans? Have your kids tricked you into carving their pumpkins? Have you gotten lost in a corn maze? Happy fall!

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World's Oldest Library Has New Technology to Preserve its Records Forever

by ParentCo.

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How the USA Needs to Step Up its Early Child Education Commitment

by ParentCo.

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Parenthood Drove Me Out of My Mind and Back Into My Body

by Zaeli Kane

Derailing a path of higher education and switching tracks to motherhood doesn't mean learning less.

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Breathing Lessons: How My Paralyzed Daughter Taught Me to Stay Afloat

by ParentCo.

A mother recounts the heartbreaking, yet fiercely determined path of her paralyzed daughter.

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No More Boozy Mom Jokes, It's Just Not That Funny

by ParentCo.

We get it. Mommy likes wine. Can that tired cliche be over already? It's not doing anyone any favors.

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halloween pumpkins

DEBATE CLUB: Pumpkin Spice Season - Love It or Hate It?

by ParentCo.

It creeps up earlier and earlier every year- pumpkin spice season. It is a force to be reckoned with and not everyone is a fan.

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What Happens When the Parent is the Picky Eater?

by ParentCo.

It's not always the parent trying to coax the kid into eating more adventurous eating. Some of us are raising tiny incarnations of Anthony Bourdain.

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Is Good Old-Fashioned Horseplay Worth the Occasional Black Eye?

by ParentCo.

In an age when kids are given less and less permission to get physical, one mom sings the praises of her son's battle wounds.

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What Maternity Leave Looks Like for One Family in a Tiny Apartment

by ParentCo.

A day in the life of one mom, her husband, a toddler, a baby, and a visiting Grandma all sharing the space of a two-bedroom, one bath apartment.

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Finding Opportunities to Parent My Grown-Up Child

by ParentCo.

Just when it seemed the sun had set on parenting my 19-year-old son, we started playing a friendly game of basketball.

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Sometimes My Kids Eat Dog Food: The Dinnertime Shit Show

by ParentCo.

There are a couple hours of the day that I'd just erase from the clock altogether. This dinnertime business is for the birds.

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