baby's feet walking

A Porcupine for Christmas

by ParentCo.

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woman with a child in a shopping car

How I Became "The Shoprite Lady"

by ParentCo.

"I remember the first time I saw you. You were so sad. How can anyone with such beautiful children look so sad? And then I saw him."

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person outside siting by steps

The Kind Stranger: a Missed Opportunity to Show Compassion

by ParentCo.

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child holding small wooden toy family

Finding My Place While Parenting as an Immigrant

by ParentCo.

I learned not only to come to terms with my role as a mom straddling two cultures, but to be proud of that identity.

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christmas tee made of presents

Why Christmas Is No Longer a Time for Giving, but a Time for Pressure

by ParentCo.

I love Christmas as much as you do. But please don’t judge me when I say I find it all a bit too much. I feel the pressure of it.

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mother and child in bed looking at each other

Loving it All – the Way it is – Right Now

by ParentCo.

Maybe all this pressure to slow down and appreciate every moment is another form of the absurd expectations we put on ourselves, or each other, or both.

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black and white image of a boy holding a water bottle

Shaping Our Kids' View of Alcohol: What Parents Need to Know

by ParentCo.

As parents, we can help our kids have a balanced view about alcohol from where they can make their own decisions when the time inevitably comes.

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teenager sitting on steps with purse next to her

These Rideshare Companies Shuttle Your Most Precious Cargo – Your Kids

by Pam Moore

Sometimes your kid just needs a ride somewhere, not a sitter to watch them. In the age of the smartphone, there’s an app for that.

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man child and dog on a blanket in the park

Bringing Beauty to Scoliosis

by ParentCo.

I still give her everything a father should, but now, more than ever, I give extra doses of confidence.

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woman sitting in bed

The Student Who Taught Me I Have Room for Thankfulness

by Nina Parrish

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Talking to Your Kids About Sexual Harassment...Before They Even Know About Sex

by ParentCo.

There's no reason to talk specifically about sexual harassment with very young kids unless they ask about it. If they bring it up, be prepared.

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father helping daughter with her homework

Let’s Quit Doing the Work for Our Kids

by ParentCo.

How are children supposed to learn to do their own best work when parents intervene and micromanage?

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boy holding two toy cars

What If We Treated Sex Like Driving?

by Emma Taylor

Just as a thought experiment, how would it be if we talked with our children about sex the same way we talk with them about driving?

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girl making a peanut butter sandwich

Can Your Child Stay Home Alone? A One-Question Quiz.

by ParentCo.

Several factors can help determine if your kid is ready to stay home alone. But this one question can bring even more clarity.

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person in bathtub while a dog is looking

"Oprah's Favorite Things 2017" - the Reality Edition

by ParentCo.

I took a look at some of these items and, no offense to Queen Oprah, but I beg to differ.

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How to Be a Parent Your Child Wants to Talk To

by ParentCo.

Two habits that parents’ routinely engage in that shut down communication and drive a child away: negating feelings and mistaking sympathy for empathy.

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woman rubbing her feet

Me, My Son's Wheelchair, and a Frankenboot

by ParentCo.

I was unloading the wheelchair from the van – something I’ve done successfully a thousand times. Until this one time.

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mom holding her child who is crying in a coffee shop

How Our Reactions to Kids' Misbehavior Steers Their Future Outbursts

by ParentCo.

The way in which we react to this irritating behavior can influence how our kids learn to regulate their own emotions and behavior in the future.

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people cheering wine

5 Blessings of Being Broke

by ParentCo.

At each stage in life, I envisioned money as something that would just be there when I needed it – until it wasn't. These hard-won lessons were my reward.

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young girl not looking happy

What a Hostage Negotiator Can Teach Us About Parenting

by ParentCo.

Most of us will never be in a situation where someone's life is on the line, but knowing how to apply negotiation skills can make daily interactions easier.

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old picture of a man spanking a young boy

Not That You Need A Study to Prove it, But a New One About Spanking Offers a Deeper Case Against it

by ParentCo.

These findings suggest that spanking is not only an ineffective technique, but that it also makes children’s behavior worse.

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boy eating ice cream

Why Buying Organic Isn't My Top Concern

by ParentCo.

I feel the pull toward the organic milk and fruit, but the truth is my wallet wins out and I go with what’s cheaper.

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women with sweater covering her mouth

Sweater Hugs, Here and Now, and From Beyond

by ParentCo.

This well worn sweater- it’s hers, it’s mine, and with it, we will always be together. At least, that’s what my grieving mind still tells me.

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a few books stacked up

Will Your Family History Survive the Digital Dark Age?

by Kathy Sisson

The promise of a “digital dark age” is enough to send this archivist into panic mode. So what’s to be done about it?

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