little girl sucking spaghetti into her mouth

8 Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat More Than Just Cheese Puffs

by ParentCo.

In my efforts to get my kids to eat right, I’ve failed more times than I’ve succeeded, but I have succeeded on occasion.

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Drummer girl starts playing energetic music

How Focused Attention Can Help Our Kids Battle Stress and Anxiety

by Sandi Schwartz

With focused attention we can actually change the physical structure of our brain.

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two wooden puppets on white background

The True Weight of 300 Pounds

by Brynn Burger

More fit people look at me when we're at the park with our kids and their glances to me feel like 1000 pounds of judgment.

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X-ray for heel

Does Your Kid Have Constant Heel Pain? It Could be Severs Disease

by ParentCo.

Sever’s disease, also known as Calcaneal apophysitis, is the most common cause of heel pain in children.

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parents hand with wrinkles and child hand over each other

The Obvious Question When Your Kids are 35 Years Apart

by ParentCo.

“No, they’re both my sons,” I answered as his eyes widened. It happens every time people begin to understand that I have kids whose ages are 35 years apart.

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Wife tying tie for husband and kissing

5 Ways to Create Intimacy Without Taking Your Clothes off

by Pam Moore

While it’s the rare marriage that thrives without sex, she says there are many ways to be intimate without it.

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Boy sitting against a wall, backpack by side, looking down

A Parent Primer on How to Deal With Bullies

by ParentCo.

It’s time to get a refresher on how to train our kids to stand up to bullying and how to advocate for them.

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new born baby in the hospital incubator

Determination and the Will to Live

by ParentCo.

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young father his little son giving high five

Be a Guide, Not a Guard and Raise a Happy, Responsible Kid

by ParentCo.

As guides, we help children develop internal motivation to do what is right because it’s right, rather than to do what is right to avoid being punished.

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dog wrapped in a towel

Selected Instructions for Helping Non-Babies Fall Asleep (Based on Advice for Babies)

by ParentCo.

It turns out the techniques parents use to get baby to sleep can be more widely applied to ... just about anyone!

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Scary Closet

Now That My Kids Are Big: 25 Things I Will Never Have to Do Again

by ParentCo.

I have to remind myself that it wasn’t all sunny days and cuddle-time. I have to remind myself that every phase of motherhood has its joys and challenges.

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elderly woman show sign of the horns with her hands

My 4-foot, 11 inch Mother is the Biggest Person in Any Room

by ParentCo.

If my parents had stayed in the Bronx, I might have grown up thinking my family was like all the rest.

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Mother holding kid boy on arms on wheat field in summer Lighten Up

by ParentCo.

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little girl with short hair heads down

4 Ways We Can Shift Our Language to Support Kids' Emotional Intelligence

by Sanya Pelini

Whether or not we validate our kids’ emotions will ultimately have an impact on their ability to manage those emotions well beyond the childhood years.

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newborn baby lying on a bed sleeping on white sheets

Why Turning Your Clocks Back Gives Your Brain A Boost

by ParentCo.

Getting that spark of natural light first thing in the morning can bring several welcome benefits to our body and mind this time of year.

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lady with scar in stomach

If These Scars Could Talk

by ParentCo.

I’m grateful for my scars. Each blemish has a story. Without my stories – and my scars – who would I be?

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The boy correctly covers his face with his elbow

There’s No Crying in Parenting

by Brynn Burger

At no point in my 34 years of life had I ever been so...I want to say humbled, but the more accurate word here is humiliated.

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Lady cover her head by pillow on a bed

When One "Snore" Closes, Another Door Opens

by ParentCo.

People fall apart over money, stress, jobs, lies, but not freaking snoring, unless the issue is of course not about snoring at all.

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sisters holding hands looking at the lake

Like Water on Waves

by ParentCo.

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Young woman telling her friend some secrets

Women vs. Other Women and the Myth of the Zero-Sum Game

by Michelle Ridell

While she’s waiting, she begins to question the very worth of this victory: If she’s so triumphant why is she alone?

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Standing girl showing her palm hand in a straight manner

The Old Normal, and the Imperative of Self-Defense Training for Women

by ParentCo.

In light of the countless high-profile assault charges recently meted I challenge us, individually, collectively, indivisibly, to say no. To scream no.

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Baked Buffalo Cauliflower Bites Kid made

Kid Made Recipe: Baked Buffalo Cauliflower Bites

by ParentCo.

This crispy, spicy vegetarian take on buffalo wings makes a great party dish, or the perfect  weekend movie watching snack!

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Breastfeeding: When Success Feels Like Failure

by ParentCo.

Most of all, I raged against the breastfeeding mothers who failed to tell me how hard this all was.

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Family of four people sitting on bed in bedroom reading book

18 Simple Ways to Infuse Each Day With Learning

by ParentCo.

Teaching your child to love learning offers them a lifetime of discovery, far outside the classroom.

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