Woman wearing black jacket holding a passport

Choosing Between Art and Family: A Mother’s Dilemma

by ParentCo.

Who do you think you are? What kind of mother picks her pie-in-the-sky hobby over her children? A good one who considers her needs, that's who.

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Communication between parent and children

The Magical Powers of Validation

by ParentCo.

Validation is an important part of raising children. It opens up the lines of communication between parents and their children.

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A mother is washing utensils by carrying a kid

Staying at Home Versus The Virtue of Busyness

by ParentCo.

I might work hard, but I’m simply not as busy as I would be if I worked outside the home. Admitting I'd prefer not to be busy comes with a dose of humility.

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Women is not confortable with her closet

The 5 Questions That Help You Decide What Clothes to Toss

by ParentCo.

Need to declutter your closet? Having a hard time deciding what goes? These five questions will help with those tough decisions.

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A dog is enjoying by listening music

Dial Down the Chaos When You Turn Up This Playlist

by ParentCo.

Whether it's in your kitchen or the world in general, things can feel pretty chaotic lately. Crank up the tunes.

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Women is laughing by wearing goggles

Why I Won’t Lie About My Age

by ParentCo.

For a woman in our society, the cultural cardinal sin isn’t choosing a career over family, or choosing not to have a family at all. It's aging.

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A mother and a kid is sharing their feeling moment by touching forehead

This 7-Minute Kid-Friendly Ritual Will Start Your Morning Right

by ParentCo.

Studies show rituals improve productivity. I devised a plan to come up with a kid-friendly morning ritual that sets everyone up for success.

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A Kid is eating pedigree along with puppy

Living With Pets May Improve the Health of Your Baby

by ParentCo.

A new study has revealed that exposure to furry pets at a young age can actually safeguard children against both allergies and obesity.

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Differentiating between big and small families

8 Books that Help Kids Understand the Dynamics of Blended Families

by ParentCo.

Each day, 1,300 new blended families are formed in the United States. These books can help children of all ages learn to cope with the changes.

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Pregnency test for a moterhood woman

Between Motherhood or Not: an Everyday Tale of Early Pregnancy Bleeding

by ParentCo.

The answers didn’t seem to matter. All that mattered was that there was blood.

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Baby is crying while sleeping in a cradle while mom convincing

Tried and True Bedtime Strategies for Every Type of Sleeper

by ParentCo.

Five kids and 16 years after first becoming parents, my husband and I have a trick or two up our sleeves for getting kids to stay in their beds.

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A girl is playing outside in a sunshine with ballon

6 Ways to Raise a Kid Who Looks on the Bright Side

by Sanya Pelini

Raise that half full glass.

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Two person watching sunrise

Learning the Hard Way That "Suck it Up" is Terrible Advice

by ParentCo.

“I told you! You didn't listen. You told me to suck it up and ignore it,” my oldest son stated with tears in his eyes.

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A girl is laughing loudly with full of happiness

Teach Your Kids the Satisfaction of Wanting

by ParentCo.

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A person is doing exersise

Manopause: So What Exactly Can You Do About It?

by ParentCo.

You're being asked to get off the youth train and board the over-the-hill express. Now what?

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A kid made marshmallow icecream

Kid Made Recipe: Peeps Pie

by ParentCo.

Spring is here, and that means Peeps! If you’re entertaining this weekend, try out this decadent marshmallow treat, it’s like a giant Peeps s’more!

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A girl is taking funny selfie

5 Reasons You Don't Need to Worry About Kids and Social Media

by ParentCo.

New research is shedding light on the good things that can happen when kids connect, share, and learn online.

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Toddler is crying

Working From Home With a Toddler: An Hour-By-Hour Case Study in Futility

by ParentCo.

I just need to get one thing done. Shouldn't take long.

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Earth says help me from global warming and hazardous waste outcoming from industries which cause humungous pollution

Why I’m Not Talking to My Children About Climate Change

by ParentCo.

I’ve been keeping a pretty big secret from my eco-conscious preschoolers.

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A girl is watching mirror with removal of her hair

Will I Be a Mother With Gray Hair?

by ParentCo.

If studies show that by 30 years old, gray hairs are likely appearing on your scalp why shouldn’t we see people my age in commercials with wisps of gray in their hair?

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Taming the Toys Could Ignite Creativity

by Sanya Pelini

Can we, and should we, take away all our children’s toys to spur their creativity? Not necessarily, but giving them fewer toys could be beneficial.

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A kid is playing in outside

10 Easy Ways to Embrace Breezy Days

by ParentCo.

Some days it’s easy to get your kids to play outside, but when it’s windy, they might hesitate. Try these 10 activities to get them on board.

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A child is eating snacks by sitting on floor

It's the Little Things That Can Break a Mother

by ParentCo.

Mothers often feel obligated to turn their homes over to their kids, but I am tired of pretending that I’m invisible, that I don’t live in my own house.

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A Peson is standing in a dark room with full of depression

NICU PTSD is a Real Thing You Should Know About

by ParentCo.

Studies have shown that PTSD has been reported in 21 to 23 percent of parents of children who have been in the NICU or PICU.

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