Because Teachers Deserve More Than One Week of Appreciation

by ParentCo.

Here are some ways we can appreciate teachers all the time, not just the first week in May.

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10 New Kid's Books Written by Celebrities

by ParentCo.

Kenny Loggins wrote a kid's book because why not?

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On Quilting Circles and Cross Stitch: What Our Hands Remember

by ParentCo.

These quilts and crossed stitches will be more than just things. They will be the hymn, the song of praise for the women that have gone before us.

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5 Ways to Meaningfully Support a Friend Through a Miscarriage

by ParentCo.

You can support a friend during one of the most difficult things she’ll ever have to go through. She needs you.

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It's Not Always the Score of the Game That Makes it a Winner

by ParentCo.

He might actually remember this experience, which turned an otherwise forgettable game into a lesson that he’ll carry with him for the rest of his life.

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9 Things My 9-Year-Old Wants You to Know About Kids

by ParentCo.

Every so often, my son steps out of his first-person-singular mindset and speaks for the kids. These nuggets felt like advice to be heeded.

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What We Recall Through Scents of Our Past

by ParentCo.

By searching out the scents of our past, we may recapture connections to places and people who have been lost to time.

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Streamline Your Schlep With The Swiss Army Multi Tool Of Wagons

by ParentCo.

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Making Your Life a Masterpiece – an Adoption Story

by ParentCo.

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6 Thoughtful Gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week

by ParentCo.

Time to say thank you to the tireless people who challenge the minds of our kids, support them, and inspire them to think big about their future.

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My Daughter, Living Legacy

by ParentCo.

I sleep the rest of the night, my arms wrapped around my daughter, knowing full well that my Grandmother made this all possible. I am here because of her.

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5 Things You Need to Know Before You Share That New Parenting Study

by ParentCo.

A few tips that can make you a bit savvier in understanding what a parenting study is really saying, and when it might be worth asking a few questions.

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human body anatomy

Hope in the Face of a Hereditary Disease

by ParentCo.

I have a far more acute awareness of how PKD will impact the length of my life, and, in turn, how the length of my life will impact the lives of my sons.

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8 Meaningful Ways to Support a Friend Through a Divorce

by Pam Moore

When it came to helping friends through divorce, I was as comfortable as a seventh grader at a school dance. Then they told me what they needed

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Asteriods on the sky

Waking up for Wonder — The Night My Boys Will Always Remember

by ParentCo.

Dragging blankets to the basketball court in the middle of the night waiting for meteors to fall, was well worth staying up for.

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mother and daughter in the kitchen

A Simple Letter to Say "Thanks, Mom"

by ParentCo.

The best thing I could do would be to give you my thanks and appreciation for helping me find my way in this world. So here goes.

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All the Things Mr. Rogers Taught Us That We Need to Keep Learning

by ParentCo.

“All of us have special ones who have loved us into being.”

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Students in a queue

From Business to Politics, Where are the Powerful Women?

by ParentCo.

2016 was a good start, but we've got a long way to go.

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Happy family with kids seated on couch posing for camera

Living Minimalist: 3 Kids, 2 Parents, 500 Square Feet

by ParentCo.

Believe it or not, it wasn't a total disaster.

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little baby girl legs with dirty knees

In Search of a Perfectly Imperfect TV Mom

by Ally Weinberg

Marge, Roseanne, June, Carol, Clair...

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boy falling down trying to skate in the road

I Have to See if I Fall Again: Lessons From the Front Lines of the Playground

by ParentCo.

It's the most cliché inspirational quote of them all, but it holds fast because it's true.

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Person sitting on a high mountain top with first person perspective view, legs in focus

How Being a Mom Helped Me Hike 500 Miles

by ParentCo.

There's nothing like motherhood to toughen you up.

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Annoyed couple looking at a smart phone

What "Blackish" Can Teach About Guiding Our Kids' Internet Use

by ParentCo.

Our kids are looking to us as examples for what’s okay to do online and what’s not.

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Students in white tshirt

13 Smartest Female Characters From Movies, TV, and Books

by ParentCo.

No matter their gender, kids will love watching and reading about these female brainiacs.

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