friendship bracelets hands

Why Childhood Friends Truly Are Friends for Life

by ParentCo.

No matter how much time passes, our oldest friendships shape us into the adults we become and remain a source of steadfast comfort.

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woman cooking on a barbeque in the garden

How My Terrible Cooking Became Our Best Family Tradition

by Lisa Kanarek

How one mother made a concerted effort to improve her cooking skills, and ended up making cooperative meal preparation a family tradition.

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Don't Assume I'm the Nanny Just Because I'm Young

by Julia Pelly

My family is a little bit different because I’m a younger mother than many are accustomed to seeing but, in all the ways that matter, we’re just like anyone else.

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5 Books That Teach Life Lessons to Your Children

by ParentCo.

Nearly every house has those books that are read a million times, with worn pages and cracked spines. This is the selection at ours.

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new born baby crying in the hospital

Technology, Miracles, and One Perfect Baby: A C-Section Story

by ParentCo.

There's more than one way to bring a baby into the world, as this vivid journey through a c-section can attest.

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How to Teach Your Kids the Importance of Integrity When a Presidential Candidate Has None

by Jill Kiedaisch

It's hard enough to make sense of this election as adults. Explaining the downright meanness and discriminatory tones to our kids is impossible.

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pregnant women with curly hair

5 Things That Made Me More Nervous Than Planning a Home Birth

by Pam Moore

Having your baby at home means there are certain things you'll likely not have to deal with. Thank goodness,

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Can Technology Help Us to Both Live in the Moment and Capture It?

by Stephen Bradshaw

With a camera rarely ever out of arm's reach, it's tempting to capture every memorable moment. But is capturing it worth more than simply living it?

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6 Game of Thrones Halloween Costumes for Your Unsuspecting Baby

by ParentCo.

In just a few short years those babies of yours are going to be choosing their own commercialized average costumes. But right now, it's GOT time.

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dna in human egg cell

Is It Okay To Create Babies From Three Parents?

by ParentCo.

Science has greatly advanced the procedures that can create human life. A baby born with three sets of DNA is the latest achievement. But how far is too far?

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father and child playing in water

Dad Rage is My Dark Passenger

by ParentCo.

Mess with my kid or my parenting, and there's a protective rage that bubbles up.

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boy holding parents' hands

No Matter How Strong Your Grief, Kids Force You to Keep Going

by ParentCo.

With little ones around, there isn't much time to dwell on sad thoughts. But setting time aside to process them is necessary.

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Person alighting from his car

Next Time You Feel Impatient in the Car Line, Remember This Story

by ParentCo.

Mornings are hard enough as it is. Practice patience. You never know the challenges of those who you wish would move faster.

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breast pump vector image illustration

Can We Please Just Pump in Peace?

by ParentCo.

A working mother laments the freedom and the humiliation that go along with the modern breast pump.

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5 Surprising Truths About the Suburban Stay-at-Home Mom

by ParentCo.

I mean there are a lot of hours in the day right? If we aren’t going to work what the heck do we do all day?

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Assertive Communication May Be the Most Useful Skill You Teach Your Child (and Yourself)

by Carrie Howe

Teaching our kids how to assert themselves by communicating directly and with respect is easy to do if we model it ourselves.

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Bored and fed boy up doing his homework

31 Things Your Kids Should Be Doing Instead of Homework

by Jessica Smock

So, what are some of the things kids could be doing in those hours between the end of the school day and bed time? Science and research say these work.

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A Military Mother Accepts Her Free-Spirited, Artistic Daughter

by ParentCo.

Growing up with a military mom, it was good to know she had a sense of what battles needing fighting.

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You Are Worthy: Thoughts for a Friend Facing Alcohol Addiction

by ParentCo.

It's not going to be easy, taking ownership of the vice that's destroying you. But I see you. I'm here, and your hard work is inspiring.

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How Thinking Like a 10-Year-Old Helped Me Buy a House

by ParentCo.

Breaking the cycle of poverty is no easy task. But looking to our kids for inspiration can give the strength and means to do just that.

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Flaming Gobs of Goo: What My Son’s Campout Taught Me About Fear and Freedom

by ParentCo.

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Start to Finish: Climbing the 46 High Peaks With My Dad

by ParentCo.

Over the course of climbing 46 Adirondack mountains together, a daughter learns to find her way on the trail, and in life, with her dad.

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The Scientific Case for Co-Sleeping

by ParentCo.

Mothers have slept alongside their babies since the beginning of time. In many countries, it's still the norm. Here's why.

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How Having a Daughter Made Me More Authentic

by ParentCo.

Growing up, I rallied against all things girly. Including the color pink. Hating pink freed me from gender incarceration. Then I had a daughter.

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