My Teenage Son Let Me Win a Basketball Game the Other Day...

by ParentCo.

I’m going to end up like an old lion playing out his final years at the edge of the pack. This Oedipal nightmare needs to be shut down immediately, but how?

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Kid Made Recipe: Sweet Potato Nachos

by ParentCo.

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A Useful Pro/Con List For Deciding Whether To Have Baby #2

by ParentCo.

So you think you're ready for number two? Two kids. That's more than one. A big decision. Let's take a look at the pros and cons.

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Mama, Are You Happy?

by ParentCo.

I've often found excessively happy people annoying. Enter my two-year old. He's got it in his genes and now I'm wondering if I should give it a go.

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Simplicity of Thought: 4 Ways to Teach Kids How to Meditate

by ParentCo.

These four meditation techniques will arm your children to live lives of patience, love, generosity, and compassion.

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The Disorienting Effect of the First to Leave the Nest

by ParentCo.

It’s as if I'm free falling – the world of maternal responsibilities as I've known it flying away from me at warp speed. I'm waiting to see where I'll land.

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7 Just Right Wines to Pair With Your Kid's Leftovers

by ParentCo.

Choose a wine like the sommelier you are. Just because your meals consist of shoving leftover scraps into your face, it doesn't mean you're no longer fancy.

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Sneaking Around to Have Sex With My Spouse: A Cautionary Tale

by ParentCo.

Like the teenage years version 2.0, sneaking around after kids can be equally as exciting and primed for getting caught.

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The Right Way to Impose a Time-Out

by Kathleen Gemmell

If executed correctly, time outs may be an appropriate tool for your parenting tool box. Following these steps can help ensure success.

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10 Things I Want to Tell My Family and Closest Friends (But Haven't)

by Stephen Bradshaw

It's not always easy to drop the deep stuff into everyday conversations with our friends and family. But there are a few things that deserve a mention.

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Raising Sons Who Won't Slut Shame

by Zaeli Kane

Bullying girls about their sexual choices goes beyond simply being mean. It's our job to raise sons who recognize women's agency and respect it without exception.

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Debate Club: Are Multiple Extracurricular Activities Good or Bad For Kids?

by ParentCo.

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Dear Mom and Dad: I Was Raped and Couldn't Tell You

by ParentCo.

You parented the best you knew how, but coming to you at the time I needed you most didn't feel like an option.

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15 Ridiculous Phrases Every Parent Will Eventually Use

by ParentCo.

You can believe yourself to be immune to these phrases as much as you want, but the truth is, you're going to use them. Like it or not.

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Please Stop Humble-Bragging About Being a "Bad Mom"

by ParentCo.

In the grand scheme of actual "bad" moms, chances are the ones you hear referring to themselves as such are nowhere near it.

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When Do You Tell Your Child That Some Promises Will Be Broken?

by ParentCo.

There are subtleties to the promises we make. As adults, that's easier to understand. Kids, on the other hand, are a little more black and white.

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How Toddlers Benefit From Non-Picture Books

by ParentCo.

Involving kids in what you're reading by sharing passages with them can be enriching for both of you. And as a bonus, no need to perfect your animal sounds.

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To the Mom Who Is Barely Hanging On

by ParentCo.

Your face told me you’re clinging to some sort of freedom you refuse to lay down, but your world is putting up such a fight you’re not sure it’s worth it.

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How to Be Just Like Hermione Granger

by ParentCo.

One of the greatest young feminists of our time, Hermione Granger, is a terrific role model for our little girls.

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How to Get Your Kids to Love Eating Their Vegetables

by Mark Oliver

Few kids beg to have a lunchbox full of broccoli or salad, but that doesn't mean getting them to eat their veggies has to be a chore.

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My Son Flunked Out of College and I Think It's Going to Be Okay

by ParentCo.

It came with a hefty price tag, but realizing college wasn't the best fit for our son was a valuable lesson for all of us.

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For Less Defiance and More Connection, Practice Positive Parenting

by Carrie Howe

I want my kids to see me as someone who empowers them to be the best they can be, despite the authority role I may hold over them. Positive parenting helps.

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Thank You For Not Judging Me, It Made All the Difference

by ParentCo.

When every kid is melting down and you feel like you're seconds away from joining them, kind words from a stranger can turn it all around.

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How to Identify – and Own – Your Personal Brand of Parenting

by Rebecca Lang

Your personal brand of parenting showcases your special talents and is built around who you are, what you do, and what you believe.

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