While divorce is the end of a marriage, it is also the beginning of a new relationship with our kids. One father reflects on how that bond grew stronger.
It's the goal of most parents- raise kids who are comfortable in their own skin. But how do we go about that when their behavior is difficult to understand?
Knowing what can trigger a full on tantrum can be the key to preventing them altogether. We can outsmart the tantrums, and help our children grow and learn.
Now that I’m blessed with two daughters I’ve almost forgotten about this secret of my past; how I longed to be nourished while starving myself of food.
You know who knows what they want and aren't afraid to get/demand/steam roll you for it? Toddlers. Maybe it's time we adults took a page from their book.
Ok, ladies. We've let this grill thing go on a little too long. It's time to take what is rightfully ours! Grilling, swilling, and delegating the rest.