top view of mother and son sitting on a wooden dock lake side.

How to Tell Your Kids You’re Dating Someone New

by ParentCo.

Telling your kids you’ve begun a relationship with someone new is tricky- particularly if it’s the first time since separating from your family partner.

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Mom changing diaper for newborn baby

The Quick and Dirty Guide to Pre-fold Cloth Diapers

by Pam Moore

With over five years’ experience using pre-fold diapers, I’ve awarded myself a Master’s degree in crunchy waste management.

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Young kid Looking to mom Face to Face 

What the Very Young and the Very Old Do for Us in the Middle

by ParentCo.

We need the verys – the very young and the very old. They are the emphases, the parentheses that bookend life.

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woman eating sushi with chopsticks

Can You Eat That? A Simple Diet Planner for Breastfeeding Moms

by ParentCo.

Learn more about what can pass into breast milk, or scroll to the end for a quick quiz about whether or not a particular food is okay to eat while breastfeeding.

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ladies day out

Please Stop Trying to Sell Me Stuff, I Just Want to Be Your Friend

by ParentCo.

All of these women had one thing in common and it was not how much they loved me. They were trying to sell me stuff.

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baby  sleeping on grandparent's  shoulders

Why the Grandparent Battle Cry of "My Kids Turned Out Just Fine" is Invalid

by ParentCo.

A lot has changed since grandparents were parents themselves, so it's critical for them to keep up with the latest pediatric guidelines.

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Why My Husband Abandons His Family at Comic Conventions

by ParentCo.

We are preparing for a family weekend getaway to attend Megacon in Orlando. And my husband is ditching us the second we walk in.

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mother and daughter playing in filed

This is What it Takes to Raise a Happy Adult

by Sanya Pelini

There is evidence that some parenting styles can help children form habits for a happier adulthood.

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little boys sitting on bench in school ground

The Secret to Coaching Little Kids

by ParentCo.

Because the one thing they'll remember is if they had fun.

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Little girl sitting on tree branch

Connecting With Nature is as Simple as Walking Out Your Door

by ParentCo.

You don't have to spend a weekend backpacking in the Rockies to maintain a connection with nature.

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mother and daughter touching heads as they lie on the ground

How to Make Mindfulness a Game, Not a Chore

by Keren Gudeman

Developing skills like deep breathing and emotional self-regulation sound so serious, but here are three games that develop both.

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young girl covering face with balloon

Moms: Step Out of the Shadows and Into the Photos

by ParentCo.

When your children are grown, maybe with kids of their own, and are reminiscing through childhood pictures, will they wonder where you were?

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Parents teaching table manners to preschoolers

5 Routines That Infuse Everyday With Gratitude

by Sanya Pelini

Evidence to date suggests practicing gratitude leads to psychological and physical well-being. And doing so consistently as a family is best.

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Mother ready to put her baby in a car seat

The Car Seat Mistake You Might Not Realize You're Making

by ParentCo.

I will confess: I am a little bit of a car-seat safety fanatic. Some people might call me an advocate, but let’s be real. I verge on crazy status. I kept my kids rear-facing well past the age of two. I’ve schlepped their car seats on and off of airplanes more times than I can count. I’ve tsk-tsk’d their installation again and again until it is JUST RIGHT. But I make no apologies.

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lady with pink hair

7 Hilarious Books For Every Teen Who Needs a Laugh

by ParentCo.

Teens, like adults, often turn to humor when their lives become chaotic or confusing. These books are the perfect escape.

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Little girl gardening

The Small Act of Gardening's Big Effects on Childhood Obesity

by ParentCo.

Gardening power!

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young lady

Life is Hard Work and Other Reminders for a Graduate

by ParentCo.

As you walk down that aisle and into the next phase of life, there are important things to remember.

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Sleeping woman feet under blanket

People Without Kids Can Be Busy Too

by ParentCo.

There are reasons for being busy and tired that are just as valid as having kids.

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child showing his painting.

I Gave Up Saying Good Job for a Week, and Here's What I Found

by ParentCo.

We want to raise children who are self-motivated and confident, and this happens when we trade passive phrases for true presence and real conversation.

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loving mother listening to daughter with empathy and understanding

10 Things My Mom Told Me as a Kid That Give Me Confidence as an Adult

by Krissy Dieruf 

It began as my mom's voice but has become my own, and it is my super power.

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laundry drying on clothes line against a orange wall

Ain't No Momma Got Time for That: 10 Things I Can't Pretend to Care About

by ParentCo.

Like squats.

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crying baby boy

Bumps and Bruises Earn Confidence and Independence

by ParentCo.

Childhood is a time for exploration and all the bumps and bruises that come along with it.

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Kid Made Recipe: Vegan Peanut Butter Pie

by ParentCo.

When the weather turns warm it’s time for cool treats. Here’s an amazing icebox pie that’s both rich and refreshing.

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Want to Create a Better Workplace? Consult a Preschooler

by ParentCo.

Maybe we don’t want a focus group of four-year-olds arguing to eliminate nap-time, but the rest of their ideas about what work should be like are solid.

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