
Jack Shaw

Jack Shaw is the senior lifestyle writer at Modded with and a single father with a special interest in navigating the ins and outs of being a parent. As parents, the work we put in isn’t always recognized, but it’s absolutely essential to the health and well-being of our children. You can find more of Jack’s work in publications like Tiny Buddha, Daddy’s Digest, Simply Family Magazine and more.

By This Author

Parenthood kids2 back to school

Helping Your Child Transition Back to School After Winter Break

It’s natural that going back to school after an extended holiday can be difficult, especially for younger kids. Here's how to make the transition smoother.

Parenthood How to Set a Present Budget for the Holiday Season

How to Set a Present Budget for the Holiday Season

You can celebrate in a meaningful and budget-friendly ways by capping your gift expenses. Here are strategies for a wallet-conscious and fun holiday season.

Playtime young boy reading ipad

How to Keep Children Safe While Playing Unsupervised

Play is essential, and as your kids get older, they crave independence. Here's how to raise responsible, self-reliant and safe kids - plus ideas for caregivers, too.

Learning baby girl drawing with pencils

How (and Why) to Support Fine Motor Skill Development in Toddlers

Fine motor skill development is vital during toddlerhood. Abilities based on small, precise motions are a means to all sorts of various ends - and independence.

Learning How to Transition from Summer to a School Routine

How to Transition from Summer to a School Routine

Preparing children for school after summer break provides direction and fosters a positive attitude toward returning. It sets the stage for a successful year.

Inspiration Teaching Your Kids About Water Preservation

Teaching Your Kids About Water Preservation

Here’s a guide for parents to teach their kids how to save water and protect the planet. We must educate our children about the environment to help future generations.

Inspiration father and son playing with airplane

Great Father and Son Bonding Activities for Summer

Fathers and sons have a special relationship. Doing fun activities with your little guy is an opportunity to teach him the values he needs to succeed.

Inspiration boy looking out the window

Getting Your Kid Ready for Their First Time Flying

It’s natural to be anxious about how the flight will go and whether it will be as magical as the children had imagined. These tips will prepare your kid, and you!

Inspiration family time, boy on dad shoulders while kissing mom

Benefits of Taking a Digital Detox Weekend

If you feel a little guilty, it may be time for a family screen-free weekend. There are many benefits of a digital detox. Here's how to give it a try.