girl browsing a bookshelf

10 Novels That Explore What Growing Up Is Really Like

by ParentCo.

Being (and parenting) a teen is hard. From the struggles of self-identity, domestic violence, and suicide and loss, these 10 new YA novels poignantly tackle the tough issues.

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baby's smiling face

5 Things to Consider When Naming your Baby

by ParentCo.

Choosing a name for another person is no easy task. The possibilities are endless, but keeping these factors in mind can help narrow it down.

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kids painting

Understanding the Fascinating Link Between Anxiety and Creativity

by ParentCo.

A growing body of research suggests that there may be a link between creativity and anxiety. Here's how to help your kids express creativity and manage anxiety.

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dad reading to baby son

Six Ways Dads Can Help Raise Feminist Sons

by ParentCo.

Here's how dads can teach boys that men and women should be on the same side, and men should be vocal advocates for women to have the same privileges they do.

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group of children playing on green grass

How to Truly Teach Your Children Inclusivity to Promote an Equitable Society

by Allyson Stone

Our children are the ones who hold the power to a more harmonious future, and we are the ones with the responsibility of teaching them. Raising inclusive, aware children is worth venturing outside our comfort zones.

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brown steel letter Love balloon

36 Questions for Valentine's Day

by ParentCo.

Single parents will find Aron’s questionnaire helps them screw the rules and weed through mismatched partners faster. Couples will discover the 36 questions help them reconnect and deepen their relationship. If you’re looking to ditch the ordinary and crowds this Valentine’s Day, Aron’s 36 questions may just be the perfect date for you.

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a child placing stickers on her mom

On Valentine's Day for My Daughter

by ParentCo.

When my daughter was three-years-old, I came across a beautiful poem by Sarah Kay called “If I Should Have a Daughter.” I promised myself that one day I would share this poem with my own daughter. Kay spells out the bitterness and sweetness that life can offer and how that translates from a mother to a daughter.

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colorful sweet candies

Conversation Hearts: Now with REAL conversation

by ParentCo.

What if we were to use the ubiquitous V-day hype as a reminder, of sorts, that it’s time for our Annual Relationship Check-Up.

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boy looking through a book

A Family Stuck in the Autism Waiting Room

by ParentCo.

When you know something with your child just isn't right, waiting on an autism diagnosis is nothing short of excruciating.

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young boy and girl cooking

Got Leftover Easter Ham? Try This Recipe.

by ParentCo.

Skip the ham sandwiches and make this mouthwatering, warm and crusty take on the classic diner Monte Cristo sandwich.

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woman throwing laundry on man laying on couch

April Fools' Day Pranks For Kids to Play on Grownups

by ParentCo.

Last night when he should have been in bed reading, my son and I huddled under his covers, bathing in the light of my iPhone while we googled the perfect April Fool's prank to play on his dad.

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Shadow or No Shadow. Groundhog Day, Again

by ParentCo.

“Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn’t one today.” – Groundhog Day


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What I Wish I’d Said When My Kid Asked Me What All Genders Meant

What I Wish I’d Said When My Kid Asked Me What All Genders Meant

by Pam Moore

My husband and I have talked with our kids about bodies, private parts, and where babies come from. But a talk about gender is not about sexuality.

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three women posing for photo

15 Real Valentine's Days For Single Moms

by ParentCo.

There's at least 15 other days in a year we single mothers actually do wish there was a big, strong, capable, loving romantic living in our home.

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baby boy sleeping on mother's  shoulders

The Unique Pressures on Black Women to Parent and Provide

by ParentCo.

In our culture, women are expected to be mothers first and all else second. For many, particularly the Black woman, this system and its expectations create challenges.

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woman looking at computer holding phone

This Black History Month, Let's Discuss the Pay Gap for Women of Color

by ParentCo.

The average black woman earns just 63 cents to the dollar that the average white man makes.

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animation of a young girl jumping in air holding iron rod

10 Children's Books to Celebrate Black History Month

by ParentCo.

From courageous activists to extraordinary citizens, it’s a wonderful time to share these stories with your children.

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multiethnic kids creating painting

5 Ways to Teach Your Kids About Race and Ethnicity

by ParentCo.

It is our job as parents, teachers, and citizens of the world to teach our kids the value of every other person on the planet.

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little girl kissing her sister

Here's How to Help Your Kids Be Kind and Inclusive People

by ParentCo.

It's not easy to be the kid who stands up against the social injustices of the middle school cafeteria. You can help by staying involved and asking questions.

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girl is hugging a duck

11 Lovely Children’s Books on Love

by ParentCo.

Valentine’s Day is truly the perfect kid holiday. You’re not old enough to be jaded by the “most romantic day of the year” and you get piles of candy and actual mail.

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boy holding a paper heart

How to Show Your Kids You Love Them on Valentine's Day

by Pam Moore

What are the five love languages and how can we use them with our kids to lay a healthy foundation for future relationships?

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sign with love in lights

5 Things You Don’t Have to do to Be a Good Parent This Valentine’s Day

by ParentCo.

This Valentine’s Day skip obsessing about what you “should” do and keep it simple by crossing these chores off the list.

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different religion people on the globe illustration

Despite What You May See or Hear, Racism is Still Not Okay

by ParentCo.

I often think about how lucky I am to be able to raise my daughter in the small Connecticut town where her father and I grew up. It’s the town where both her grandmothers still live, and has many wonderful, endearing factors with a strong sense of community perfect for families.

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clock on top of laptop keyboard.

How To Help Your Kids Fall Back This Weekend

by ParentCo.

Most of us are forced to follow the Daylight Saving Time scheme, even though it's "wasteful and unnecessary." In theory, we parents "gain" an extra hour to sleep in this weekend as Daylight Saving Time ends. Here's the reality. 

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