Mothers, like business owners, are required to be multi-tasking experts. Both need to plan, execute, adapt, problem-solve and delegate. The two jobs go hand in hand.
With disrupted rhythms and routines, long flights, new places, and jet lag, sleep while traveling is hard. Here are 5 ways to make life a little easier.
There's been a lot of change for dads in a short period of time. Today they work as many hours as previous generations, but do three times the childcare and twice the housework as dads a generation ago. In this interview, Scott Behson, PhD, author of "The Working Dad's Survival Guide" talks about how working dads can create a more balanced life of family, work, and self, and how employers can help make it happen.
If you’re a busy parent looking for easy, dirt-free ways to celebrate our Earth with your child all year long, here are 7 fun, simple ideas to try with your family.
With a few practical tips and strategies in place, you can stay on top of your other responsibilities so you don’t feel overwhelmed by too many changes at once.
Birth is not going to go exactly as you had imagined, planned, or expected. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to be your own best advocate in the delivery room.
Being a new parent can feel lonely. Here are some ways to get out there and make new friends - and nurture your existing relationships (even while exhausted).
Parenting is a million times better when we’re together. At Prego Expo, the community that we work so hard to nurture online came together irl—and it was remarkable.
Balancing being a mom and a wife is an art. Instead of falling into a rut when life gets in the way, you and your partner can find ways to stay connected and in love.
I record all of my kids' important milestones like walking and talking. I also keep a list of all their achievements that make my life as a mom just a little bit easier.
This spring season we're going easy on the household cleaning and focusing on simplifying our parent minds. Yes, easier said than done. Here some ideas!
With April Fools' Day coming, you might be considering how to pull one over on your kids. I've consulted with a few smart alecks to offer you these suggestions.